CBG Flower 3.5g by Thrive Apothecary
Our White CBG Flower is one of our favorite strains to date. Grown just west of Fort Worth, Texas, this potent CBG strain with a Deeply sweet nose; exudes notes of rich cinnamon, clove, Citra hops, freshly cut cilantro, Myers lemon, and overtones of fresh evergreen pine. This strain is perfect no matter the time of day. Third-Party Certificate of Analysis by New Bloom Labs Certified USDA Organic CBG Hemp Flower Cultivar : The White – Sativa Dominant CBG: 17.001% verified by New Bloom Labs Δ9 THC: <0.3%
CBG Flower 3.5g by Thrive Apothecary info and reviews
Our White CBG Flower is one of our favorite strains to date. Grown just west of Fort Worth, Texas, this potent CBG strain with a Deeply sweet nose; exudes notes of rich cinnamon, clove, Citra hops, freshly cut cilantro, Myers lemon, and overtones of fresh evergreen pine. This strain is perfect no matter the time of day. Third-Party Certificate of Analysis by New Bloom Labs Certified USDA Organic CBG Hemp Flower Cultivar : The White – Sativa Dominant CBG: 17.001% verified by New Bloom Labs Δ9 THC: <0.3%
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Buy CBG Flower 3.5g by Thrive Apothecary online:
Price and discounts
CBG Flower 3.5g starting price is 42.00$, but you can save extra money if you buy several pices.
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Advantages of CBG Flower 3.5g
Dr. Lisa Gardner, Fort Worth™s Top Doc and Newsweek™s Top Doctor In The Country, has formulated this unique product with 25mg per softgel of Full Spectrum CBD from whole plant hemp oil, rich in terpenes.
100% Money Back Happiness Guarantee
We want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. You may return unopened products in its original packaging within 30 days from the date you placed the order (for a refund of the purchase price). Only qualified, unopened, and unused items in their original packaging may be returned for a refund (excluding shipping charges).
Thrive Apothecary products are shipped all over USA.
In most cases, all orders will ship within 1-2 days of placing your order. If you place your order over the weekend (Friday through Sunday), please allow extra time to process your order. This estimate does not include the actual shipping times, which are listed when you make your shipping option selection at checkout.
Dr. Approved and Tested
Every product that we sell in-store and online has been tested by Dr. Lisa Gardner to ensure our customers only consume the highest quality CBD.
Thrive Apothecary was created out of a need to help patients without the harmful effects of pharmaceutical drugs. We believe in helping you reach your highest potential without all of the side effects.
Warning! Some products contain a wide variety of cannabinoids, including trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3% THC), legally allowed under the Federal Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018. The use of this product may result in a false positive drug test for marijuana. If you are subject to drug screening, you should not use or consume this product.
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